THIS is Madness

Friday, June 20, 2008

Big Things

Big Things, you say?
Yeah..Big Things.

MaxX and Sir Rotham had another training day .. yeah.. Madness has failed to keep ya'll on her pups .. (stay tuned)

Training Day One : MaxX taught Sir Rotham to hop down the deck stairs... with the help of grilled bratwurst.. ha! Rotham loves him some treats.
Training Day Two : MaxX teaches Sir Rotham Mathias to Sit on command.
Whose a good boy? Rothams a good boy!

Oh, Brit? Yeah .. Brit is hard headed. Brit cant stay focused or still long enough to learn much of anything just yet... she's gonna take more time and attention. Rotham is so laid back at attentive he's having no problem learning all his puppy stuff.

Madness' pups are getting so big *sigh* soooo big.