THIS is Madness

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Never Fear Constant Reader ~ Stephen is gonna sue Madness

Madness is returning, Internet. In addition to DeathWatch2008 starring BritBrit and Rotham .. Madness and the family moved over the weekend. Internet isnt yet working at the new place, even though AT&T said it would be working by 8pm yesterday. Now they are saying it will be on tomorrow.
Evil Rae of Death, anyone?
So yeah ...

Brit Brit is home .. Rotham is still making us worry some but he's not throwing up or spewing blood from his butt .. so we are hopeful. Worried but hopeful.

Stay Tuned Internet ... Madness is on her way back ... with MadStories to tell!


Anonymous said...

Oooh. You need *MY* AT&T man: