Rotham and Brits first trip to PetSmart. See.. Madness does too have a 13 year old daughter. Thats her in the cute silver vest and white stacked sandals up on the left. You wont see much of Madness oldest daughter..she curses Madness whenever her mother has the audacity of hope to take a photo of her. But never fear stalkers readers .. Madness doesnt care what her teenager says.. shes gonna take photos of her all.she.wants. CauseImThaMommaThatsWhy.

MaxX blessed the world with 3 sure bet running machines.. Helene Daniel and Devyn ... Taryn shows definate talent and promise ... Harold is more a football/wrestling kinda guy. Helene and Daniel are accomplished TrackSuperStars (as Madness calls em) .. and Devyn has shown consistantly impressive skill and form on the track over this last year. Today.. the moment Maddys feet hit the track she was in full on sprint..she ran the entire 400 yards and left her 10 year old brother a nd 8 year old sister in.her.dust.

This photo was taken by MasterPhotographer Harold B Dowls III. The boy has talent. T&D snapped some awsome photos too and once Madness gets those phtoshopped and edited downloaded.. she'll post em.
**Well lookie there .. Madness is still up so she has more photos, taken by Taryn Devyn and Harold, to share. Yay Madness. For those of you who arent interested..come back another time. Those of you who are interested.. I hope you've enjoyed this post .. Im looking at you friend.

Madness, Taryn, Devyn and Princess BritBrit Onasis. Taryns soul just finds you. I know.

And Madness required electro-shock treatment after she looked at this photo and saw Barbara Jean staring back at her.
Stay tuned while Madness goes and ... and ... and ... Madness doesnt know what to do about that.
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